Family First: Family Law Blog
Exploring legal issues facing Alabama familiesWelcome to Family First, the official family law blog of The Yeatts Law Firm.
This blog will provide news, updates and information on Alabama laws concerning a broad range of family law issues. These issues include marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships; termination of marital relations and ancillary matters such as divorce, annulment, property settlements, alimony, child custody, child visitation and child support; adoption, surrogacy and guardianships; child abuse, child neglect and child abduction; juvenile adjudication; paternity, paternity testing and paternity fraud; and legal issues surrounding LGBT relationships.

How to Talk to Your Kids About Divorce
One of the most difficult things about getting a divorce is deciding how to go about telling your children that the marriage is over between mom and dad. As a divorce attorney, I have seen families struggle with this process and there is no use in trying to avoid it. The discussion WILL happen. Below are some helpful tips for how to tell your kids about your divorce.

How to Calculate Child Support in Alabama
The Yeatts Law Firm discusses how child support is calculated in Alabama and reasons for deviating from Alabama’s child support guidelines.

The Importance of Establishing Paternity
The Yeatts Law Firm discusses Alabama paternity laws and the rights and privileges created by the establishment of paternity.

How to Enforce Child Support
The Yeatts Law Firm discusses several ways that custodial parents can recover and collect child support when the other party is unwilling to comply with court orders.

Collaborative Divorce: The Amicable Divorce
The Yeatts Law Firm discusses collaborative divorce, an alternative method for resolving domestic disputes outside of court.

Paternity and The Unforeseen Consequences of Adultery
The Yeatts Law Firm discusses Alabama paternity laws and their relationship with a party’s adulterous conduct during the course of a marriage.
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