Family First: Family Law Blog
Exploring legal issues facing Alabama familiesWelcome to Family First, the official family law blog of The Yeatts Law Firm.
This blog will provide news, updates and information on Alabama laws concerning a broad range of family law issues. These issues include marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships; termination of marital relations and ancillary matters such as divorce, annulment, property settlements, alimony, child custody, child visitation and child support; adoption, surrogacy and guardianships; child abuse, child neglect and child abduction; juvenile adjudication; paternity, paternity testing and paternity fraud; and legal issues surrounding LGBT relationships.

Domestic Violence & The Failures of The Justice System
Domestic Violence & The Failures of The Justice System Over the past few weeks, the issue of domestic violence has dominated headlines because of the controversy surrounding professional football player Ray Rice. In February, Rice and Janay Palmer, his...

How To: Convincing your spouse to participate in the collaborative divorce process
How To: Convincing your spouse to participate in the collaborative divorce process As a family law attorney who is trained in collaborative divorce, I advise potential clients seeking a divorce of the benefits of the collaborative divorce process. After learning about...

Divorce after 50: Challenges & Considerations
Divorce after 50: Challenges & Considerations For married couples over the age of 50, divorce has become another rite of passage. The baby boomer generation is setting new records for divorce. In September of 2013, The New York Times reported that the divorce rate...

Student Loans & Divorce: Am I responsible for my spouse’s student loans?
Student Loans & Divorce: Am I responsible for my spouse's student loans? For many young couples that have attended college or obtained graduate degrees, marriage means more than a life-long emotional commitment. It also means taking on the financial...

How is Child Custody Determined in an Alabama Divorce: Part 2
How is Child Custody Determined in an Alabama Divorce: Part 2 In Part 1 of this series, I discussed how Alabama abolished the tender years doctrine and now applies twelve (12) factors when determining which parent to award custody of a child in a divorce proceeding....

How is Child Custody Determined in an Alabama Divorce: Part 1
The Yeatts Law Firm discusses how child custody is determined in Alabama divorce courts. In part 1 of this series, we will discuss how mothers and fathers are now treated equally under Alabama state law when it comes to child custody determinations.
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