Family First: Family Law Blog
Exploring legal issues facing Alabama familiesWelcome to Family First, the official family law blog of The Yeatts Law Firm.
This blog will provide news, updates and information on Alabama laws concerning a broad range of family law issues. These issues include marriage, civil unions and domestic partnerships; termination of marital relations and ancillary matters such as divorce, annulment, property settlements, alimony, child custody, child visitation and child support; adoption, surrogacy and guardianships; child abuse, child neglect and child abduction; juvenile adjudication; paternity, paternity testing and paternity fraud; and legal issues surrounding LGBT relationships.

Q&A: Can I keep the house after the divorce?
Birmingham divorce attorney Patrick K. Yeatts discusses factors to consider when determining whether to obtain exclusive rights to the marital home in a divorce.

The Dangers of DIY Divorce
The Yeatts Law Firm discusses the danger of DIY divorce forms and kits. For more information about the divorce process in Birmingham, Alabama, contact The Yeatts Law Firm today.

How to: Preparing For Divorce
Birmingham, Alabama divorce attorney Patrick K. Yeatts and The Yeatts Law Firm discuss how to prepare for divorce. For more information: Call 205-530-1331.

Is marijuana use child abuse?
The Yeatts Law Firm discusses the implications of marijuana use and marijuana reform in child abuse and neglect cases in Alabama.

Q&A: How much does a divorce cost?
The Yeatts Law Firm discusses how much a divorce costs in Alabama and factors that contribute to the cost of divorce.

Move Away Cases in Alabama
The Yeatts Law Firm discusses Alabama’s relocation statute and how it effects a custodial parent’s ability to move away and relocate to another state.
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